at June 30, 2018 PHAROL holds, directly and indirectly through wholly owned subsidiaries, 183,483,304common shares of Oi, representing 27.2% of total share capital of Oi (excluding treasury shares).On July 20, 2018, after sold more 1,315,200 Oi’s shares and after the homologation of Capital Increasethrough debt convert of Oi, PHAROL hold less than 8%.
22/Jun/2018 | PHAROL informed that it has filed, before the judge 18 of the Civil Central Division of theFirst Instance Court of Lisbon, an injunction against Oi, S.A. - In Judicial Reorganization and its subsidiarieswith headquarters in Portugal, PT Ventures, SGPS, S.A., PT Participações, SGPS, S.A., TPT –Telecomunicações Públicas de Timor, S.A., Oi Investimentos Internacionais, S.A. and Directel – ListasTelefónicas Internacionais, Lda., requesting the seizure of goods, money and rights. This seizure aims toensure the payment of Oi, S.A. to PHAROL of an indemnity in terms to be determined in the mainproceedings.
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