Resultados mixtos es el gran titular, beneficios 4 centimos por acción ajustados y ventas muy bajas 660 millones. Ahora miraré las cuentas un poquito.Necesita más tiempo y está cumpliendo sus tiempos estamos en la mitad de los 2 años. Aquí te dejo chaval las palabras de hoy del Sr. Chen.
Al valor le pueden esperar 3 meses más de no reconocimiento por parte del mercado. Requiere paciencia.
CEO John Chen, speaking on a conference call following the report, said the company had completed one phase of its transformation and was moving on to the next:
Our software business had a particularly strong quarter, growing 24% quarter-over-quarter and 20% on a year-over-year basis. With the fourth quarter under our belt, we are now halfway through our two-year turnaround effort, and I’m very pleased to report that our financial house is in order. Our cash balance reached $3.27 billion, now matches the highest balance in the Company history, which we last achieved in May of 2010 and an increase of $608 million compared to the end of FY14. Our financial viability is no longer in question. We are now turning our attention to revenue stabilization, or staying cash flow positive, and achieving sustainable profitability sometime starting this year, this fiscal year. So we will accomplish this by growing our high-margin software business and focus on profitability in the device business.